We invite you to join us on this journey where you will discover what Time Management means and how it is applied in everyday life from a holistic perspective.
You will receive information and exercises that will bring you awareness and clarity and you will experience meditation practices, but also emotional releases of patterns and beliefs related to time, organization and everyday efficiency. All of these combined are aimed at connecting you with divine timing and the harmony of feminine and masculine energy.
But what is divine time? It represents the trust that everything that happens in your life happens at exactly the right time, and that is why it is very liberating to remind yourself that you are always protected and can relax in the arms of the Universe. Of course, contributing alongside him day by day through what you do and what you become.
Trusting this divine timing brings more peace into your life along with a sense of total trust that can give you the relaxation to harmoniously blend the two energies: the feminine and the masculine. Allow yourself to be aligned with your femininity and all that it brings, but also with the energy of action to be able to achieve everything you set out to do.